Welcome to the Home of the New Zealand OK Dinghy Association - NZOKDA 
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About the OK dinghy
The international OK Dinghy is a 4 metre single-handed racing yacht which has enjoyed strong local and international competition for over 60 years. The OK Dighy is truly an international class, providing high-level competition and the opportunity for sailors to compete internationally.
The OK Dinghy rules allow for various designs and build methods from home-built plywood boats to professionally built fiberglass and foam options.
In 2003 the international association allowed for the use of carbon fiber masts, this has seen a large jump in performance while making the boats easier to sail and also enabling a greater weight range of sailors to be competitive. NZOKDA have worked closely with C-Tech www.c-tech.co.nz over these 20 years to ensure we have the best masts worldwide.
New Zealand sailors have consistently been at the front of the international fleet and have a clear pathway to help sailors achieve their goals